Reading a magazine article about the good that can come from a diaper bank is what propelled Lee Ann Porter to approach others in the community about the idea.

Lee Ann said, “I was talking to everybody about how they should start a diaper bank. Many of them replied, “Why don’t you start a diaper bank?”

Lee Ann, then a stay at home mom, began collecting diapers and delivering them to families in need.

Today, three years later, Loving Bottoms Diaper bank is helping families in need of diapers. Last year, Loving Bottoms provided 75,000 diapers to more than 1,500 local children. Lee Ann and her board are committed to making a difference in the lives of the people they serve. They are Nonprofit Network members and Lee Ann herself is a regular attendee of Toastmasters. Their investment in themselves as an organization is paying off.

Already this year, the organization has distributed 19,903 diapers through their partner agencies and has moved to a dedicated space to better facilitate the more than 100 volunteers who also believe in their mission.

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Haley Sloss

Charitable Giving Coordinator

Short Bio

Haley provides support to enhance the function and success of the Charitable Giving and Affiliate Teams. She ensures donors receive a personal approach to philanthropy through outstanding customer service by supporting charitable giving for donors and fund holders across the state.